
The Tech Diplomacy Network is a global network based in Silicon Valley connecting technology with the world. We foster collaboration and dialogue between governments, civil society, academia, and the tech industry in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. We engage in information exchange, capacity building, learning, and strategic direction for both governments and tech companies around the world at the intersection of technology and international relations. We organize events, workshops, and training sessions, and provide a resource for diplomats from government and the private sector and citizen diplomats who wish to navigate the complex and rapidly-changing world of technology and its geopolitical implications.


By 2025, the Tech Diplomacy Network is a global network shaping the future of diplomacy through transformational technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, robotics, semiconductors, biotechnology, blockchain, and other emerging technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 

By 2030, the Tech Diplomacy Network will become the leading hub for the global diplomatic community to exchange ideas and share best practices on tech diplomacy. By fostering collaboration between our global communities, the network will promote international cooperation, help to prevent conflicts, advocate for the responsible use of technology, and enable mutual understanding in an interconnected world.


Who we are

Meet our experts at the Tech Diplomacy Network from Silicon Valley and beyond covering a broad range of topics such as digital human rights, cyber security, investment, e-governance, and others.

Our Members

  • Ziyaad Bhorat
    Tech Governance & Africa

  • Alexander Djerassi
    Civic-Technology and National Security

  • Samira G-Curtis
    Startups & Innovation Ecosystem

  • Eugenio V. Garcia
    Tech Diplomacy & Latin America

  • Patricia Gruver
    Co-Director & Founder, Science Diplomacy

  • Ann Hänni
    Digital Society, E-Governance

  • Yannick Heiniger
    Tech for Humanitarian Action

  • Cecilie Hersleth
    Playground Initiative, Tech Diplomacy Podcast

  • Sarah Hesterman
    Communications, Gender Equality

  • Heikki Hietala

    Heikki Hietala
    Multistakeholder Engagement

  • Katharina E. Höne
    Research & Capacity Building

  • Florian Hulan
    Creative Officer

  • Pavlina Ittelson
    Inclusive Internet Governance

  • Heikki Hietala,

    Katharina Koerner, PhD
    Responsible AI and privacy 

  • Bernardita Muñoz Zech
    Industrial Policy

  • Kurokawa Noritoshi
    Tech Diplomacy & Asia

  • Martin Rauchbauer
    Co-Director & Founder, Geopolitics

  • Sonja Schmer-Galunder
    Social Impact of AI Researcher

  • Ute Stadlbauer
    FDI, Strategic Investment Policies

  • Christina Steinbrecher-Pfandt

  • Isabella Tomás
    Austrian Tech Envoy, Playground Initiative

  • Kate Walter
    Digital Human Rights & Freedom Online Coalition

  • Anna Weichselbraun
    Decentralized Governance, Academic Advisor

  • Walter de Wit
    Cyber Security Expert 

  • Şerife (Sherry) Wong
    Cultural Tech Diplomacy & AI Governance

Our Members

  • Ziyaad Bhorat
    Tech Governance & Africa

  • Alexander Djerassi
    Civic-Technology and National Security

  • Samira G-Curtis
    Startups & Innovation Ecosystem

  • Eugenio V. Garcia
    Tech Diplomacy & Latin America

  • Patricia Gruver
    Co-Director & Founder, Science Diplomacy

  • Ann Hänni
    Digital Society, E-Governance

  • Yannick Heiniger
    Tech for Humanitarian Action

  • Cecilie Hersleth
    Playground Initiative, Tech Diplomacy Podcast

  • Sarah Hesterman
    Communications, Gender Equality

  • Heikki Hietala

    Heikki Hietala
    Multistakeholder Engagement

  • Katharina E. Höne
    Research & Capacity Building

  • Florian Hulan
    Creative Officer

  • Pavlina Ittelson
    Inclusive Internet Governance

  • Heikki Hietala,

    Katharina Koerner, PhD
    Responsible AI and privacy 

  • Bernardita Muñoz Zech
    Industrial Policy

  • Kurokawa Noritoshi
    Tech Diplomacy & Asia

  • Martin Rauchbauer
    Co-Director & Founder, Geopolitics

  • Sonja Schmer-Galunder
    Social Impact of AI Researcher

  • Ute Stadlbauer
    FDI, Strategic Investment Policies

  • Christina Steinbrecher-Pfandt

  • Isabella Tomás
    Austrian Tech Envoy, Playground Initiative

  • Kate Walter
    Digital Human Rights & Freedom Online Coalition

  • Anna Weichselbraun
    Decentralized Governance, Academic Advisor

  • Walter de Wit
    Cyber Security Expert 

  • Şerife (Sherry) Wong
    Cultural Tech Diplomacy & AI Governance

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